Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Craziest Things...

My daughters have really grown quite a lot lately. My Alicia is going to be celebrating her 2 year old birthday this April. Ashley will be 3 this May. The girls both brush their own teeth. Ashley prefers to put her clothes on by herself. We are still in potty training but she now wants to take off and put on her own pull-ups. Alicia is feeding herself completely and won't let mom feed her anymore. She takes her own diaper to the trash and puts on her own shoes alone.

Sounds like a dream to some... but to me, it's a realization that I no longer have babies... I have toddlers who are quickly becoming completely independant. In one sense, it's a happy and welcomed change, but in another sense, it's my daughters showing me that pretty soon they won't need me to help with anything. Time seems to march on at a quicker beat than I'm prepared to follow.

Although this "change in the seasons" is a sad necessity, it is also good to know that at least they will still come running to me for all the hugs...


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